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Sandra M. Williams

Updated: September 18th, 2023 | Rochester | Lawyer List S | Law Office of Sandra Williams Esq. |

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Address: , rochester, NY, 14614
Law Firm: Law Office of Sandra Williams, Esq.
Phone: 585-540-2246
Website: http://sandrawilliamslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeDivorce & Separation, Family Law, Labor and Employment, Premarital Agreements, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody, Spousal Support, Visitation Rights, Paternity, Business Law, Estate Planning, Small Business Law, Contracts, Trusts and Estates, Powers of Attorney, Grandparents Visitation Rights
DescriptionWelcome to the Office of Sandra Williams! I am here to help! I can help you in: Divorce Law, Family Law, Wills/Estates Law, Contracts, Labor/Employment and Evictions.
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Law Office of Sandra Williams Esq.

Experienced attorney that is a one-stop shop for all of your needs: Divorce, Custody, Visitations, Child Support, Guardianship, Call Now.

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