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Sanford A. Bell

Updated: February 25th, 2021 | New York City | Lawyer List S | Teitler & Teitler LLP |

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Address: 230 Park Avenue, Suite 2200, new-york, NY, 10169
Law Firm: Teitler & Teitler, LLP
Phone: 646-741-6875
Website: http://teitler.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa. Member, 1984-1993, Chairman, 1985-1993, Planning Board, Town of Mamaroneck.
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Teitler & Teitler LLP

Proven track record of successfully litigating large, complex financial matters, the firm is most proud of the work it has done keeping its clients out of the courts and out of the public eye.Teitler & Teitler, LLP is a 12-lawyer boutique law firm, representing high net worth individuals, families and businesses both domestically and abroad in issues relating to family law, trusts and estates, real estate, and commercial litigation. T&T w…

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