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Scott Malm

Updated: April 3rd, 2023 | Stockton | Lawyer List S | Malm Fagundes LLP |

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Address: 2351 W. March Lane, Suite A, stockton, CA, 95207
Law Firm: Malm Fagundes LLP
Phone: 209-870-7900
Fax: 209-870-7922
Website: http://www.malmfagundes.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Law, Employment Law, Environmental Law, Business Law, Personal Injury Law, Estate Planning, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Litigation, Probate, Trust Administration, Civil Practice
DescriptionPhi Kappa Phi. Co-Author: ‘San Joaquin County Bar Association Arbitrator Handbook-Arbitration of Fee Disputes, Effective July 1, 1986.’
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Malm Fagundes LLP

California Attorneys With Extensive Experience In LitigationMeeting The Legal Needs Of Businesses Throughout The Central ValleyWe have developed a truly diverse range of practice areas designed to respond to the many legal needs that individuals, businesses and even government entities can have in transactional, litigation and appellate matters.Our attorneys draw on nearly a century of collective experience to…

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