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Scott P. Nickle

Updated: July 27th, 2023 | South Ogden | Lawyer List S | Helgesen Houtz & Jones | Criminal Law, Divorce, Domestic Law, Family Law, General Practice,

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Address: 5732 South 1475 East, Suite 200, south-ogden, UT, 84403
Law Firm: Helgesen, Houtz & Jones
Phone: 801-528-9408
Fax: 801-479-4804
Website: http://www.utahattorneys.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeDomestic Law, Divorce, Family Law, General Practice, Criminal Law
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Helgesen Houtz & Jones

Helping Clients Like You Since 1982. We listen. We care. We give your our best work and we tell you the truth.We have helped more than 30,000 Utahns in the last 28 years, and we know how to help you: collect your money solve your problems preserve your estate bring peace to your home win your lawsuit save your property define your relationships enforce your rights defend your family. We listen, we care, we give you ou…

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