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Shannon Jung

Updated: June 6th, 2023 | Granite Bay | Lawyer List S | Herrig & Vogt LLP | Civil Litigation, Commercial Law, Construction Law, Estate Planning, Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 4210 Douglas Boulevard, Suite 100, granite-bay, CA, 95746-5912
Law Firm: Herrig & Vogt, LLP
Phone: (415) 305-3135
Fax: 916-960-1005
Website: http://www.herrigvogt.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Construction Law, Commercial Law, Estate Planning, Trusts and Estates
DescriptionShannon A. Jung is an associate attorney at Herrig & Vogt, LLP and is committed to providing excellent legal services to clients in a variety of general civil litigation matters and estate planning. She is a proponent of clear and consistent communication, earnest compassion, and spirited advocacy to obtain positive resolutions for clients.Ms. Jung earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Welfare from the University of California, Berkeley, and her Juris Doctor Degree from the Loyola University College of Law in New Orleans, Louisiana.Ms. Jung worked as a judicial clerk in all levels of the Louisiana state court system prior to joining Herrig & Vogt, and she is intimately familiar with the logistics and processes behind the bench. During law school, she was part of the first ever Law and Technology clinic, where she explored the use of new and emerging technology in a criminal defense practice. As a longtime advocate of human rights, she studied abroad at the University of Amsterdam School of Law in the Netherlands and observed criminal proceedings in action at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Ms. Jung is a proud member of the State Bar of California and certified to practice in all California State Courts.
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