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Shannon Philipp Butler

Updated: January 3rd, 2022 | Glastonbury | Lawyer List S | Natale & Wolinetz | Civil Litigation, Commercial Law, Construction Law, Defense Litigation, Workers Compensation,

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Address: 116 Oak Street, glastonbury, CT, 06033
Law Firm: Natale & Wolinetz
Phone: 888-550-8115
Fax: 860-525-0460
Website: http://www.natalewolinetz.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Law, Construction Law, Defense Litigation, Civil Litigation, Workers Compensation
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Natale & Wolinetz

Natale and Wolinetz handles a range of highly sophisticated and high stakes matters for some of the largest general contracting and Engineering Procure and Construct Firms in the United States. The Firm also serves as panel counsel to a number of Fortune 500 insurance companies and represents a variety of institutions, including third party adjusters, captive insurance groups, insurance brokers, various manufacturers and other employers throughou…

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