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Shaun Patrick Willis

Updated: September 22nd, 2021 | Paw Paw | Lawyer List S | Willis Law |

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Address: 203 South Niles Street, paw-paw, MI, 49079
Law Firm: Willis Law
Website: https://www.wwplc.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Construction Litigation, Estate Planning, Estate Litigation, Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation, Business Law, Business Litigation, Corporate Law, Probate Litigation, Weapons Charges, Guardianship, Conservatorship, Drug Crimes, Driving While Intoxicated, Juvenile Criminal Law, Parole and Probation, Traffic Violations, White Collar Crime, Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Adoption Law, Construction Law, Criminal Law, Environmental Law, Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Mergers and Acquisitions
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