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Shelly L. Wilson

Updated: January 8th, 2021 | Knoxville | Lawyer List S | Owings Wilson & Coleman | Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense, Family Law, Municipal Law,

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Address: 900 South Gay Street, knoxville, TN, 37902-1800
Law Firm: Owings, Wilson & Coleman
Phone: 865-522-2717
Fax: 865-522-7929
Website: http://www.owclaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Municipal Law, Family Law, Criminal Defense
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Owings Wilson & Coleman

Robertson, Williams, Ingram, Faulkner & Overbey was founded in 1982 by Claude K. Robertson, J. Edward Ingram, Norman H. Williams, Shannon D. Faulkner, III, and J. Douglas Overbey. Even then, it was important to the founders of the new firm that its attorneys play a supporting role in the community outside the courtroom. Claude Robertson, the senior founding member of the firm, served on the Board of Directors of United Way, Knoxville; Trave…

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