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Starla D. Zehr

Updated: April 29th, 2022 | Waterford | Lawyer List S | Law Office of Starla D. Zehr PC | Child Custody, Child Support, Criminal Defense, Divorce, Family Law,

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Address: 4345 Meigs Avenue, Suite B, waterford, MI, 48329
Law Firm: Law Office of Starla D. Zehr PC
Phone: 248-742-5751
Fax: 248-674-7570
Website: http://www.starlazehrdivorcespecialist.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Criminal Defense
DescriptionGolden Key National Honor Society, Oakland University. Recipient: Excellence in Oral Advocacy in 1992, Wayne State University Law School. Arthur Neef Memorial Moot Court Competition in 1993 and 1994. Student Trial Advocacy Program Honors Award in 1993 and 1994.
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Law Office of Starla D. Zehr PC

Over 20 years of Experience. We Care…We Understand. Divorce Law Specialists. Free initial consult.Starla D. Zehr has been in practice since 1994, and has represented hundreds of satisfied clients. The firm offers a free consultation on most new matters. Consultations are confidential and allow potential clients to become thoroughly informed about the divorce process before making this important decision. Family Law issues create…

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