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Stephanie Holder

Updated: January 9th, 2022 | Aspen | Lawyer List S | Oates Knezevich Gardenswartz Kelly & Morrow P.C. | Estate Planning, Family Law,

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Address: 533 East Hopkins Avenue, Suite 201, aspen, CO, 81611-2191
Law Firm: Oates, Knezevich, Gardenswartz, Kelly & Morrow, P.C.
Phone: 888-271-5040
Fax: 970-920-1121
Website: http://okgkm.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Estate Planning
DescriptionCo-Author: Economic Fault and Equitable Division in Divorce, Law Week Colorado, July 23, 2012.
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Oates Knezevich Gardenswartz Kelly & Morrow P.C.

Law at its peak. Preeminently Rated. Aspen, CO. 970-920-1700Listed in the Martindale-Hubbell Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, Oates, Knezevich, Gardenswartz, Kelly & Morrow, P.C. offers legal counseling to businesses and individuals throughout Colorado. Clients include real estate companies, developers, title companies and corporations.

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