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Stephen Charles Allen

Updated: August 6th, 2023 | Charlotte | Lawyer List S | Lutzel Broadway & Associates |

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Address: 3440 Toringdon Way, Suite 308, charlotte, NC, 28277
Law Firm: Lutzel, Broadway & Associates
Phone: 704-343-5727
Website: https://www.lutzelbroadway.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionStephen was raised in the Charlotte area and graduated from Weddington High School. From there he attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he double majored in Political Science and Public Policy Analysis. After law school he began his own firm, primarily practicing in the areas of criminal and traffic law. He then worked as a real estate broker, helping the people of Charlotte purchase and sell their homes. Stephen couldn’t overcome his urge to rejoin the legal field and began practicing real estate law with Brady & Kosofsky, P.A. He then brought his skills and experience to Lutzel, Broadway and Associates. Stephen enjoys cheering on his Tar Heels and Carolina Panthers, gardening, home brewing, and cooking. ¡ Stephen tambian habla español!
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Lutzel Broadway & Associates

Practical Advice for the Real World in Real Estate, Estate Planning, Business Law and Asset Protection. Se Habla Espanol.At Lutzel, Broadway & Associates, we focus our practice to four specific areas of the law: Real Estate, Estate Planning (Wills and Trusts), Business Law and Asset Protection. By concentrating our practice to just four disciplines, we are able to provide the highest level of knowledge, service and counsel to our clien…

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