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Stephen Janis

Updated: January 21st, 2022 | Rancho Cucamonga | Lawyer List S | Banks Garcia & Janis |

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Address: 10788 Civic Center Drive, rancho-cucamonga, CA, 91730-7618
Law Firm: Banks, Garcia & Janis
Phone: 909-493-7078
Fax: 909-980-3795
Website: http://www.bankslaw.net

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Banks Garcia & Janis

The firm had its beginning September 1, 1969 when James Banks, Jr. and Joseph E. Johnston formed a partnership. About two years later J. Michael Welch joined the firm and shortly thereafter they adopted the firm name Banks, Johnston and Welch. During the first six years of the firm James Banks did divorce, business law, probate and estate planning, and real estate law. He dropped divorce work and in the late 1970’s was joined by Thomas B. Ritchie…

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