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Stephen Marshall

Updated: December 24th, 2022 | Lexington | Lawyer List S | Sherrow Marshall Schrader PSC | Real Property Law,

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Address: 200 Southland Drive, lexington, KY, 40503
Law Firm: Sherrow Marshall Schrader, PSC
Phone: 859-300-3216
Fax: 859-685-0040
Website: http://www.tripleslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Property Law
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Sherrow Marshall Schrader PSC

We Listen Carefully To Your ConcernsThe firm was originally founded in 2003 as Sherrow, Schrader & Sutherland, PSC , and adopted ‘tripleslaw’, representing the three S’, as it’s domain name in 2003. The firm name was changed to Sherrow, Sutherland & Associates, PSC in 2007 when John P. Schrader was elected as a Circuit Court judge but retained the use of ‘tripleslaw’. The firm practices in Lexington, Kentucky and throughout Kentucky in th…

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