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Steven J. Fields

Updated: September 17th, 2021 | Bothell | Lawyer List S | Steven J. Fields | Child Custody, Divorce, Domestic Relations, Paternity,

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Address: 18222 – 104th Avenue N.E., Suite 101, bothell, WA, 98011
Law Firm: Steven J. Fields
Phone: 425-481-2000
Fax: 425-482-0904
Website: http://stevenjfields.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeDivorce, Child Custody, Paternity, Domestic Relations
DescriptionMember, Moot Court Honors Board. Adjunct Instructor of Law and Justice, Central Washington University, 1976-1980.
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Steven J. Fields

Over 25 years experience in Family LawMy practice is focused on Family Law. I have over 25 years of experience in this area. I have limited my practice to this area as it has become an increasingly complicated area of the law. My practice is small so that I can serve each client individually. Every client has a slightly different situation and each client has unique goals. By being personally involved in each case, I can better underst…

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