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Theodore Kern

Updated: November 14th, 2020 | Knoxville | Lawyer List T | Law Office of Theodore R. Kern |

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Address: 706 Walnut Street, Suite 500, knoxville, TN, 37902
Law Firm: Law Office of Theodore R. Kern
Phone: 865-999-0728
Website: https://www.tedkernlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAdoption, Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Post Divorce Modification, Mediation, Legal Separation
DescriptionWith some of the big law firms, you might feel as though you’re working for the attorney instead of the other way around. I guarantee to give you the focus and attention you need and deserve in your time of need.I started my career in Ohio. After completing a degree in Social Work, and then law school, I spent nine years working in public-interest agencies where I represented persons who couldn’t obtain an attorney on their own. In 1992 I moved to Knoxville, and spent the next seven years as litigation director for what was then known as Knoxville Legal Aid Society. In 1999 I left public service work to start my own practice. I became a Rule 31 listed mediator, and in 2012 I was accepted as a Fellow in the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, a nationwide organization dedicated to family creation. Since entering private practice I have represented over 1,000 individual clients in adoptions, family law matters, conservatorships, juvenile court cases, and other civil matters.With more than 36 years of experience, I’m well-prepared to represent you as an attorney or mediator for even the most difficult situations.
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Law Office of Theodore R. Kern

Top Rated Adoption & Family Law Attorney. Since 1991, Ted has been helping families in crisis. Our law firm is dedicated to Family Law and Adoption matters and Ted has handled over 1,000 cases. Call Us Today for a Confidential Consult.With more than 36 years of experience, Ted Kern is one of the most experienced and highly respected Adoption and Family Law Attorneys in East Tennessee. He is a Fellow in the Academy of Adoption a…

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