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Theresa Crawford Tate

Updated: March 15th, 2021 | Covina | Lawyer List T | Crawford & Bangs LLP | Business Law, Construction Law,

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Address: 1290 Center Court Drive, covina, CA, 91724-3600
Law Firm: Crawford & Bangs, LLP
Phone: 626-915-1641
Website: http://www.builderslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeConstruction Law, Business Law
DescriptionOrder of the Coif.
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Crawford & Bangs LLP

Serving the Construction and Business Communities for more than 25 yearsCrawford & Bangs, LLP limits its practice to serving The Construction Industry and Business Community. The Firm is Counsel to the American Subcontractors Association and is actively involved with the Building Industry Association, Construction Financial Management Association, Associated Builders and Contractors, and National Association of Women in Construction.

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