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Thomas Aquinas Kelliher

Updated: May 17th, 2021 | Chicago | Lawyer List T | Horwitz Horwitz & Associates |

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Address: 25 E. Washington Street #900, chicago, IL, 60602-1716
Law Firm: Horwitz Horwitz & Associates
Phone: 224-223-8145
Fax: 312-372-1673
Website: http://www.horwitzlaw.com

TitleTrial Lawyer
First Year of Call
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Horwitz Horwitz & Associates

Workers Compensation and Personal Injury Attorneys & Counselors At LawSince 1924, we’ve continued a tradition begun by the firm’s founder, Jacob W. Horwitz, representing individuals against corporate wrongdoers, high-priced lawyers and insurance companies who routinely take advantage of those who have been injured as a matter of policy. Our firm has never represented corporate interests and never will. Clifford Horwitz has won every ca…

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