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Thomas Benner

Updated: September 23rd, 2021 | Braintree | Lawyer List T | Benner & Weinkauf P.C. | Bankruptcy Law, Debtor,

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Address: 50 Braintree Hill Office Park #302, Braintree, MA 02184
Lawyer Firm: Benner & Weinkauf, P.C.
Phone: (781) 664-9223
Email: B.and.W.P.C.Braintree.Listings@gmail.com
Website: https://bennerweinkauf.com/braintree-bankruptcy/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy, Debt Defense Lawyer, Lawyer for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
DescriptionThomas Benner is a graduate of Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School in a Doctor of Law in 2002 and a member of Massachusetts State Bar since 2002. He teamed up with Logan Weinkauf to found Benner & Weinkauf with the goal of helping clients find solutions to their financial problems. With his help, clients have been able to secure their financial stability and move forward in their lives. Tom is passionate about helping clients resolve their money problems so they can focus on doing what matters most to them.

Benner & Weinkauf, P.C.is a firm of skilled Bankruptcy Lawyer, Debt Defense Lawyer, Lawyer for Chapter 7, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer that is based in the state of Massachusetts. Benner & Weinkauf helps clients deal effectively with repossessions, foreclosures, wage garnishments, and harassment from creditors, but for many Benner & Weinkauf clients, the only practical option for debt relief is bankruptcy. A Massachusetts bankruptcy attorney at Benner & Weinkauf will evaluate your financial situation before suggesting any specific legal strategy, but if your debts are spiraling out of control, bankruptcy may in fact be your solution. Benner & Weinkauf will help you begin the bankruptcy process, and when the bankruptcy period is complete, you will have a clean slate financially, and you can start to rebuild your credit.

Chapter 7 bankruptcies are primarily for those with no regular monthly income or with an income that is inadequate for paying their debts. However, the bankruptcy code requires a bankruptcy candidate to pass a means test in order to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. An attorney at Benner & Weinkauf can tell you if you qualify. If you don’t qualify for Chapter 7, no means test is necessary for Chapter 13 bankruptcies. Chapter 13 bankruptcies help individuals and families avoid foreclosures, restructure their debts, and control their expenses. A bankruptcy attorney at Benner & Weinkauf can walk you step-by-step through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You can start rebuilding your credit after a bankruptcy period is complete, so don’t let debt drag you down any longer than it has to. Call us today for a free consultation!

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Benner & Weinkauf P.C.

Benner & Weinkauf, P.C.is a firm of skilled Bankruptcy Lawyer, Debt Defense Lawyer, Lawyer for Chapter 7, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer that is based in the state of Massachusetts. Benner & Weinkauf helps clients deal effectively with repossessions, foreclosures, wage garnishments, and harassment from creditors, but for many Benner & Weinkauf clients, the only practical option for debt relief is bankruptcy. We are dedicated to getting your life & finances back on track. Call us today!

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