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Thomas J. Fisher

Updated: October 1st, 2021 | Baton Rouge | Lawyer List T | Fisher Injury Lawyers | Plaintiffs Personal Injury,

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Address: 6715 Perkins Road, baton-rouge, LA, 70808
Law Firm: Fisher Injury Lawyers
Phone: 225-424-8693
Website: http://www.fisherinjurylawyers.com/

TitleTrial Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePlaintiffs Personal Injury
DescriptionTommy Fisher is a trial lawyer with more than 25 years of experience representing clients in complex civil and personal injury litigation. Mr. Fisher’s work encompasses a variety of areas including personal injury, medical malpractice and class action litigation. Among other things, he represents NCAA and NFL athletes in claims arising from disability and loss of value insurance policies.
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Fisher Injury Lawyers

Lead Trial Attorney Bryan Fisher has been recognized as Multi-Million Dollar Advocate. He is a American Association for Justice Leaders Forum Member and a top Member of the Chancellor’s Council for the LSU Law Center.For more than 26 years, Fisher Injury Lawyers have been recovering money for clients injured or disabled in accidents. We have a proven record of success having won over $100 million in verdicts, judgements and settlements fo…

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