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Tim Allen Ault

Updated: November 11th, 2020 | Toledo | Lawyer List T | Malone Ault & Farell |

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Address: 7654 West Bancroft Street, toledo, OH, 43617-1604
Law Firm: Malone, Ault & Farell
Phone: 419-843-1333
Fax: 419-843-3888
Website: http://www.maf-law.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTaxation, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Commercial Law, Real Estate, Personal Injury
DescriptionCertified Public Accountant, Ohio, 1988.
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Malone Ault & Farell

Attorneys at LawMalone, Ault & Farell (‘MAF’) was formed in 1991 when Dick Malone and Tim Ault joined their law practices under the firm name, Malone & Ault. From its inception, the firm has engaged in a diversified civil and commercial business practice, offering a broad range of legal services to individuals and to a wide variety of small to medium sized businesses. MAF’s clients include businesses and individuals engaged in the retail,…

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