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Todd C. Rhea

Updated: March 5th, 2021 | Harrisonburg | Lawyer List T | Clark & Bradshaw P.C. | Business Organization, Construction Law, Real Estate,

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Address: 92 North Liberty Street, harrisonburg, VA, 22802-3733
Law Firm: Clark & Bradshaw, P.C.
Phone: 540-433-2601
Fax: 540-433-5528
Website: http://www.clark-bradshaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Construction Law, Business Organization
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Clark & Bradshaw P.C.

CLARK & BRADSHAW, P.C. has provided legal services to the people and businesses of the Shenandoah Valley for 60 years. Beginning with our senior partner, Henry C. Clark, our firm now consists of seven attorneys, two certified public accountants, and eighteen support staff, including paralegals, legal assistants and secretaries.Our firm’s guiding principle has always been that our clients need, expect, and deserve prompt, efficient, and expert…

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