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Todd Kranda

Updated: November 6th, 2021 | Mandan | Lawyer List T | Kelsch Ruff Kranda Nagle & Ludwig | Business Litigation, Family Law, Probate Law, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 103 Collins Avenue, mandan, ND, 58554
Law Firm: Kelsch Ruff Kranda Nagle & Ludwig
Phone: 701-214-6113
Fax: 701-663-9810
Website: http://www.kelschlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Family Law, Probate Law, Real Estate Law
DescriptionGolden Key National Honor Society; Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. Judicial Clerk, North Dakota Supreme Court, 1987-1989. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/LEADERSHIP: Ambassador to the Norwegian Law Student Program – 2007; Student Director for the UND Clinical Legal Education Program, 2008; Christ The King Church, Eucharistic Minister, 1993 ; Mandan Youth Soccer, Coach, 1992-1994; Mandan Bambino Baseball, Coach, 1999-Present; Christ The King and St. Josephs Grade Schools Girls Basketball, 3rd-6th Grades, Coach, 1994-1998; Boy Scouts of America Northern Lights Council, Pack 51, Den Leader, 1992-1998; Christ The King and Custer Grade Schools’ Boys’ Basketball, 3rd-6th Grades, Coach, 1995 .
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Kelsch Ruff Kranda Nagle & Ludwig

Solving our client’s issues since 1919. Our firm offers a broad range of services and have provided contract lobbying services since 1967. Our philosophy is to emphasize on achieving practical results in a timely and skillful manner.As we see it, our clients rely on us to provide a solution to their legal problem. To do this, we must first acquire an understanding of our clients’ business to accurately identify the problem. We take time t…

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