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W. Chad Jenkins

Updated: February 11th, 2022 | Newberry | Lawyer List W | Pope Parker Jenkins P.A. | Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense, Family Law,

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Address: 1508 College Street, newberry, SC, 29108-0190
Law Firm: Pope Parker Jenkins, P.A.
Phone: 803-948-9263
Fax: 803-276-8684
Website: http://www.popeandhudgens.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense, Civil Litigation, Family Law
DescriptionCase Note Editor, South Carolina Environmental Law Journal. Judicial Clerk to Circuit Judge Kenneth G. Goode (1999-2000).
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Pope Parker Jenkins P.A.

Pope Parker Jenkins, P.A., was founded by Thomas H. Pope (1913-1999), and he was known as one of the pre-eminent trial attorneys in 20th century South Carolina. He began practicing law in 1938 and continued an active trial practice until a few years before his death. Thomas H. Pope was a former speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives and president of the South Carolina Bar Association. He was also a lawyer who excelled in the court…

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