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W. Erik Weber

Updated: July 14th, 2022 | Auburn | Lawyer List W | Mefford Weber and Blythe P.C. | Bankruptcy, Civil Litigation, Juvenile Law, Municipal Law, Personal Injury Law,

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Address: 130 East Seventh Street, auburn, IN, 46706-1839
Law Firm: Mefford, Weber and Blythe, P.C.
Phone: 260-570-4323
Fax: 260.925.2610
Website: http://www.lawmwb.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury Law, Bankruptcy, Civil Litigation, Municipal Law, Juvenile Law
DescriptionAssistant City Attorney, Auburn, Indiana, 1998-2003. City Attorney, Auburn Indiana, 2003 . DeKalb County Central United School District, 2003 . DeKalb County Department of Children, 2003-2007. Deputy Prosecutor, DeKalb County, 2000-2004, 2007 . Attorney, Union Township Trustee, 2001-2006.
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Mefford Weber and Blythe P.C.

The firm of Mefford, Weber and Blythe, P.C. started in 1918 with a sole practitioner, Oak Husselman. Later, his son William H. Husselman joined him in the practice. Since that time the firm has expanded its personnel and its geographic scope to serve throughout northeast Indiana. The firm currently offers combined legal experience of more than 70 years. All of the attorneys maintain active roles in the Auburn community and surrounding areas, both…

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