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Wayne Bunch

Updated: March 12th, 2022 | Lexington | Lawyer List W | Bunch & Brock PSC | Bankruptcy Law, Debtor and Creditor, Estate Administration, Estate Planning, Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 126 W. Maxwell St., #2, lexington, KY, 40508
Law Firm: Bunch & Brock, PSC
Phone: 859-475-1717
Fax: 859-233-1434
Website: http://www.bunchandbrocklaw.com

TitleSenior Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy Law, Debtor and Creditor, Trusts and Estates, Estate Administration, Estate Planning
DescriptionLaw Clerk, Bunch & Brock, 1987-1989. Co-Author, ‘Using Social Science Methods to Improve Voir Dire and Jury Selection,’ in A Handbook of Jury Research, published by ALI-ABA, 1999
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Bunch & Brock PSC

Meet a Lawyer, Not a Paralegal. Experienced, Professional Legal Advice in Bankruptcy and Bankruptcy Litigation. Debtor’s Rights and Creditor’s Remedies.Bunch & Brock was established in 1976 by W. Thomas Bunch, Sr. at a time when few attorneys practiced consumer or corporate bankruptcy cases. Since that date, Bunch & Brock has provided quality service in a variety of legal areas throughout Kentucky. We offer potential clients the same re…

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