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William E. Benner

Updated: March 11th, 2023 | Doylestown | Lawyer List W | Benner and Wild | Administrative Law, Commercial Litigation, Environmental Law, Land Use, Real Estate,

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Address: 174 West State Street, doylestown, PA, 18901-3532
Law Firm: Benner and Wild
Phone: 215-488-7679
Fax: 215-230-9470
Website: http://www.bennerwild.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Commercial Litigation, Land Use, Environmental Law, Administrative Law
DescriptionMember, Villanova Law Review, 1968-1969.
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Benner and Wild

Serving Doylestown and the surrounding regionEstablished in 1995, the highly rated firm of Benner and Wild, whose members have between them over 50 years of experience, is a real estate based practice with heavy concentration in land use. The firm also does residential and commercial closings and represents condominium and homeowner associations.

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