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William F. Nichols

Updated: February 7th, 2021 | Nampa | Lawyer List W | White Peterson Attorneys at Law | Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business Law, Estate Planning, Real Estate,

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Address: 5700 East Franklin Road, Suite 200, nampa, ID, 83687
Law Firm: White Peterson, Attorneys at Law
Phone: (208) 466-9272
Fax: 208-466-4405
Website: http://www.whitepeterson.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Estate Planning, Real Estate
DescriptionAfter graduation from law school and passing the Oregon bar examination in 1980, Bill joined a small law firm on the Oregon-Idaho border where his practice covered all areas typical for a small town lawyer. In 1986, he took and passed the Idaho bar examination.Bill joined the firm in 1999. In 2000, he became the City Attorney for the City of Meridian and held that position until 2004 when the City established an in-house legal department. In 2005, he was appointed City Attorney for the City of McCall.His practice emphasizes municipal law, estate planning, probate and trust administration, real estate, creditor’s rights, and business entity formation. He has authored articles and lectured at seminars covering collections, land use and municipal law topics in Idaho, including presentations to the Association of Idaho Cities and the Idaho Municipal Attorneys Association. He has testified before the Idaho legislature on land use and eminent domain legislation. He has also served as an adjunct professor on Human Resources and Employment Law in the Masters of Business Administration program at Northwest Nazarene University. He frequently serves as an arbitrator in Oregon for cases referred to mandatory arbitration under Oregon’s court annexed arbitration system. He also serves as an arbitrator for attorney fee disputes in the Third District under the auspices of the Idaho State Bar. Bill received the President’s Award from the Idaho Municipal Attorneys in 2009 and the Idaho State Bar Professionalism Award in 2010.Bill was born in Boise, Idaho, resides in Nampa, and has lived his entire life in the Northwest. He is married and has two daughters.
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White Peterson Attorneys at Law

Since 1968, White Peterson Has Been Serving The Treasure Valley & Beyond. We Are The Largest Firm In Southwest Idaho Outside of Boise. We are a Full Service Law Firm Passionate To Helping Our Clients.Based in Nampa, Idaho, White Peterson has been representing clients in real estate, trusts and estates, wills and probate and other matters throughout the Treasure Valley and beyond since 1968. A full-service law firm, our attorneys are a…

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