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William J. Guste

Updated: December 1st, 2021 | New Orleans | Lawyer List W | Guste Barnett Schlesinger & Alpaugh L.L.P. |

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Address: 639 Loyola Avenue, Suite 2130, new-orleans, LA, 70113
Law Firm: Guste, Barnett, Schlesinger & Alpaugh, L.L.P.
Phone: (504) 529-4141
Fax: (504) 561-0326
Website: https://www.gustebarnett.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionFormer Judge Ad Hoc, Traffic Court, New Orleans. Board of Trustees, Loyola University, 2000-2006, and Chairman, Legal Affairs Committee, 2005-2006. Governing Board, Unity of Greater New Orleans, 2004 , and Chair, Development Committee, 2006 . Board Chairman, Antoine’s Restaurant, LLC, 2005-2007.
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Guste Barnett Schlesinger & Alpaugh L.L.P.

Experienced New Orleans Attorneys Provide Clients in Louisiana with Excellent ServiceExperienced New Orleans Attorneys Provide Clients in Louisiana with Excellent Service New Orleans, Louisiana commercial litigation, insurance and products liability law firm Guste, Barnett, Schlesinger & Alpaugh, L.L.P. has a reputation for being a reliable, efficient and knowledgeable law firm that is dedicated to delivering the highest quality…

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