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William W. Jeter

Updated: November 11th, 2022 | Hays | Lawyer List W | Jeter Law Firm LLP | Employment Law, Estate Planning, Government law, Workers Compensation,

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Address: 1200 Main, hays, KS, 67601
Law Firm: Jeter Law Firm, LLP
Phone: 785-628-8226
Fax: 785-628-1376
Website: https://www.jeterlawoffice.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeWorkers Compensation, Government Law, Estate Planning, Employment Law
DescriptionEllis County Attorney, 1979-1980.
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Jeter Law Firm LLP

The firm’s roots in Hays and Western Kansas extend back to 1937 when Norman W. Jeter established his law office in Hays, Kansas. He was later recognized by the Kansas Bar Association for seventy years of legal service. Norman was a member of the Kansas Board of Regents from 1986 to 1990 and served as its chairman. The attorneys with the firm are graduates of the University of Kansas School of Law and are active in bar association activities and m…

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