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Wilson Thomas White

Updated: March 4th, 2024 | Tulsa | Lawyer List W | Carr & Carr |

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Address: 4416 S. Harvard Avenue, tulsa, OK, 74135
Law Firm: Carr & Carr
Phone: 918-324-2067
Fax: 918-747-7284
Website: https://www.carrcarr.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Automobile Accidents, Truck Accidents, Premises Liability, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Insurance Bad Faith, Sexual Abuse
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta.
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Carr & Carr

Working For Oklahomans Since 1973At Carr & Carr, we are the voice for the injured. We have been helping injured people since 1973. We have offices in Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Ft. Smith and Fayetteville, Arkansas. As lawyers, we are professionals who treat each and every client as an individual who deserves respect. Our areas of expertise include personal injury law, pharmaceutical litigation, consumer law, class action la…

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