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Yasmeen M. Naoum

Updated: July 1st, 2021 | Kalamazoo | Lawyer List Y | Austin+Koffron | Child Custody, Criminal Law, Divorce & Separation, Family Law, Uncontested Divorce,

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Address: 141 E. Michigan Ave, Suite 400, kalamazoo, MI, 49007
Law Firm: Austin+Koffron
Phone: 269-743-3077
Fax: 269-585-5995
Website: http://www.austin-koffron.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, Family Law, Divorce & Separation, Child Custody, Uncontested Divorce
DescriptionThe quality of legal representation can have a lasting impact on a person’s life for many years. Not all attorneys are equally equipped to address the complexities of the breakdown of modern relationships, or the impact of such a breakdown on children in the midst of an already challenging social media era. Attorney Naoum’s educational background and training is focused on working with families in crisis, often with minor children, towards resolving disputes and minimizing the lasting effects of litigation on the family unit. As an advocate, Attorney Naoum is able to recognize and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of cases and develop affirmative plans of actions towards achieving the best results. As a negotiator, Attorney Naoum is able to troubleshoot the real-life effects of litigation on parent-child and co-parent relationships to guide cases towards creative resolutions, upholding the best interests of children without sacrificing parental rights.
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Austin+Koffron is a boutique law firm devoted to the practice of family law.Austin+Koffron was established by Saraphoena (Austin) Koffron and Mike Koffron, with a vision of a law practice dedicated to helping families in transition. While we believe that most clients prefer to find amicable solutions to their problems, we also believe that everyone has the right to a zealous advocate by their side in contested divorce, custody, domicile a…

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