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Zachary Alan Streiff

Updated: January 25th, 2021 | Monterey | Lawyer List Z | Kennedy Archer & Giffen A Professional Corporation |

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Address: 24591 Silver Cloud Court, Suite 200, monterey, CA, 93940
Law Firm: Kennedy, Archer & Giffen A Professional Corporation
Phone: (831) 373-6451
Fax: 831-373-7555
Website: https://kaglaw.net/

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Kennedy Archer & Giffen A Professional Corporation

Kennedy, Archer & Giffen provides legal services in the areas of real estate and commercial transactions, business and nonprofit organizations, and civil litigation. The attorneys at Kennedy, Archer & Giffen represent a history of legal practice in Monterey County that stretches back more than forty-five years, and a breadth of experience drawn from the nation’s leading law firms. The firm is committed to superior service and practical problem…

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