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Zachary Cloutier

Updated: November 22nd, 2023 | Dayton | Lawyer List Z | Subashi Wildermuth & Justice |

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Address: 50 Chestnut Street, Suite 230, dayton, OH, 45440
Law Firm: Subashi, Wildermuth & Justice
Phone: 937-458-3436
Fax: 937-427-8816
Website: http://www.swbohiolaw.com

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Subashi Wildermuth & Justice

Don’t let our size fool you. We are passionate about what we do – providing exceptional service in a personalized setting. And that’s something you won’t find at one of the big, downtown law firms.Subashi & Wildermuth is a small firm of civil trial attorneys concentrating primarily in the defense of individuals, corporations, school districts, insurers, and governmental entities. We handle a wide variety of litigation including employm…

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