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James Warner ‘Jim’ Huggler

Updated: February 8th, 2021 | Tyler | Lawyer List J | Law Office of James W. Huggler | Criminal, Felonies, Juvenile, Juvenile Criminal, Misdemeanors,

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Address: 100 East Ferguson, Suite 805, tyler, TX, 75702
Law Firm: Law Office of James W. Huggler
Phone: 903-405-3224
Fax: 903-593-3830
Website: http://www.hugglerlaw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal, Juvenile Criminal, Felonies, Misdemeanors, Juvenile
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta; American Inns of Court; Recipient: JC Penney Golden Rule Award 1998; Award of Excellence East Texas Peace Officer’s Association 1999; Service Award, Tyler Teen Court, Inc. 1999. Author/Speaker: ‘Update and Collateral Consequences in Texas DWI Law’ SCCDLA March 2008; ‘Crime and Ethics’ SCBA April 2007; ‘Asset Forfeiture: State and Federal Defense’ TCDLA July 2007; ‘Asset Forfeiture in the Criminal Justice System’ TCDLA October 2006; ‘Useful Internet Sites for the Criminal Practitioner’ SCCDLA February 2006; ‘The Texas Grand Jury System’ SCCDLA May 2005; ‘Asset Forfeiture in the Criminal Justice System’ SCCDLA May 2004; Tyler Teen Court: President 2001-2002, 2006, Board Member 1999-2007).
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Law Office of James W. Huggler

Experienced Criminal Attorney with IntegrityThe office of Huggler, James W. practices law in Tyler, Texas and Smith Co. Our entire staff is dedicated to helping clients with their legal matters regarding: Criminal Law State and Federal Criminal Defense DUIDWI Please contact our Tyler law firm with questions about your legal issue. Provide as much information as possible regarding your inquiry. While this contact does not se…

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