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Stephen A. Marcum

Updated: May 21st, 2021 | Huntsville | Lawyer List S | Marcum & Petroff P.C. | Business Litigation, Civil Litigation, Construction Litigation,

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Address: 3 Courthouse Square, huntsville, TN, 37756
Law Firm: Marcum & Petroff, P.C.
Phone: 888-650-2903
Fax: 423-663-2111
Website: http://www.marcumlaw.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Construction Litigation, Civil Litigation
DescriptionPhi Kappa Phi.
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Marcum & Petroff P.C.

Extensive experience in general civil practice, products liability, in all state and federal courts; investigation of accidents in Mexico, including products liability representation, real estate, public utility, insurance defense, communications, trucking, construction, worker’s compensation, oil and gas, torts, casualty, and municipal law.

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