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Jennifer A. Kline

Updated: September 11th, 2020 | Gettysburg | Lawyer List J | KBG Injury Law | Workers Compensation,

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Address: 37 West Middle Street, gettysburg, PA, 17325
Law Firm: KBG Injury Law
Phone: 717-850-0390
Website: https://resultsyoudeserve.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeWorkers Compensation
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KBG Injury Law

Katherman Briggs & Greenberg is a personal injury law firm that has represented clients in the central Pennsylvania region for over 30 years. The reputation of our firm is built on respect for our clients, many of whom have suffered greatlyWhen you or a loved one suffers a personal injury, the effects can be devastating. The financial burdens, emotional toll, and pain can turn lives upside down in an instant. Such circumstances might…

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