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Nancy Loftis

Updated: July 13th, 2021 | Lincoln | Lawyer List N | Nancy L. Loftis | Bankruptcy, Business Law, Corporate Law, Real Estate,

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Address: 5533 S 27th Street, Suite 203, lincoln, NE, 68512
Law Firm: Nancy L. Loftis
Phone: 402-261-0526
Fax: 402-477-8690
Website: http://www.nlloftislaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Corporate Law, Business Law, Bankruptcy
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa. Member, Board of Directors, 1991-1996; President, 1994-1995, Child Guidance Center. Member, Board of Directors, Great Plains Trails Network, 1999 ; President, 2001-2004. Member, Board of Directors, 1998-2005 and President, 2000-2003, Houses of Hope.
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Nancy L. Loftis

Attorney At LawOur firm handles legal matters in the following practice areas: General Practice, Real Estate, Small Business Law, Bankruptcy, Corporate.

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