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Victoria A. Nelson

Updated: October 9th, 2023 | Mclean | Lawyer List V | The Sack Law Firm P.C. |

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Address: 8270 Greensboro Drive, Suite 810, mclean, VA, 22102
Law Firm: The Sack Law Firm P.C.
Phone: 703-883-0102
Fax: 703-883-0108
Website: http://www.sacklaw.com

TitleLegal Support
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTax Law, Real Estate, Corporate Law, Business Law, Estate Planning, Land Use, Litigation
DescriptionThe firm now known as The Sack Law Firm P.C. was formed in July of 1992 when Jim Sack, his legal assistant and his secretary left the Washington, DC office of a large Minneapolis law firm to set up Sack & Associates, P.C. The principal motivation in forming the firm was the belief that large law firms do not do generally a good job of servicing their clients unless the clients have ‘big matters.’ Work on smaller matters is often given a low prior…
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The Sack Law Firm P.C.

The firm now known as The Sack Law Firm P.C. was formed in July of 1992 when Jim Sack, his legal assistant and his secretary left the Washington, DC office of a large Minneapolis law firm to set up Sack & Associates, P.C. The principal motivation in forming the firm was the belief that large law firms do not do generally a good job of servicing their clients unless the clients have ‘big matters.’ Work on smaller matters is often given a low prior…

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